Blocking Booking within 1 hour of form submission?

SupportBlocking Booking within 1 hour of form submission?
CBaily Staff asked 5 years ago
We're in the process of configuring this on a site, and I'm wanting to set it up so that a specific service can be booked on the same day, but not within an hour of booking. For example, if it's 11:30AM the earliest appointment I should be able to book for today is 12:30AM.  How can I do this, since the "Block Before" does not appear to prevent someone booking within the number of minutes specified - it just blocks off other appointments before the specified time?
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Baily, you need to use block before option located inside EA Settings > Customize page. Not one on block before on service level :) Best regards, Nikola