Booking is made before checkout

SupportBooking is made before checkout
Miguel asked 4 years ago
Hi When the booking is made the pending reservation emails are sent before checkout. So perhaps checkout is not completed. So admin needs to check payment before confirming each booking. Is there any way around this? Thanks
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Miguel, you can turn off pending notification and have only confirmed ones. Best regards, Nikola
Miguel Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Nikola, sorry but the problem is the same. 1 The email pending/ confirmed is sent and the appointment is made even if the customer doesn´t continue to checkout. It takes about 12 seconds for the checkout to load it is not automatic so this will be problematic. Any way to solve this? Thanks! 2 I have tested deleting the order in the woocommerce cart and there is no email sent to cancel the appointment It also stays in pending in the dashboard easy appointments ....Any way that deleting in the cart cancels the appointment automatically? Thanks
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
HI Miguel, regarding both issues I will had to check everything locally in order to see what is going on. I will do that in next couple of days. Sorry for waiting, but can you please tell me why there is that much delay during checkout (12s)? Best regards, Nikola