Booking overview : date not shown properly

SupportBooking overview : date not shown properly
makinero Staff asked 6 years ago
Hello, I'm using the latest version of easy appointments on WP 5.5.2. The date is displayed as follows booking overview (it is in french, sorry) : 5 juillet 2019 18 hh 00 MMmmM Whereas it should be displayed as follows : 5 juillet 2019 18h00 How can I manage to get this ? All other dates (blog posts etc.) work properly, date settings are configured properly. Time format set in EA settings : 24h / millitary time. Thank you
4 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi, that is localization issue. Can you please use date time format with only numbers until that is solved? Best regards, Nikola
makinero Staff answered 6 years ago
I have switched to DD/MM/YYYY (eg 08/07/2019 for the 8th of july) : I still get the error.
makinero Staff answered 6 years ago
I have even set a custom date format : dmY (without slashes) : I still get the same error. I cannot get rid of the 2nd "h" and the multiple "mmm" by using str_replace : the variables in booking.overview.tpl.php are not coded in php...
makinero Staff answered 6 years ago
Any idea ?