Booking problem with services and workers

SupportBooking problem with services and workers
flightschool Staff asked 4 years ago
My problem I have 2 workers, Worker 1 and worker 2 I have 2 services, Service 1 and service2 I booked Service 1 with Worker 2  at 1 november 10:00 a clock I booked Service 1 with  Worker1 at 1 november 10:00 a clock. Then the problem is complete because Service 1 is at 1 november at 10:00 a a clock is busy. What to do t solve this problem.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi, appointments are checked per worker. So if you book with W1 then W2 will be free at same time. You wanted to say that you can provide only one service at the time no matter which worker it is? best regards, Nikola
flightschool Staff replied 3 years ago

When Service 1 is booked the same time as worker 1, then must service1 be blocked at the same time and service 1 must be blocked the same time.
Now you can plan the worker and block the time in his agenda, but service1 is still available on the same time. And that is a problem.