Boostrap V3.7.1, custom css and EA affecting the rest of my site's display

SupportBoostrap V3.7.1, custom css and EA affecting the rest of my site's display
Melissa asked 3 years ago
Hi there, I am loving this plugin, but are struggling with a few things. Book Online – Lash-A-Mil ( 1 - Custom CSS I am trying to customize the css of some elements and just does not see some of the changes happening. Are there some features that are no longer accessible or customizable since Bootstrap V3.7.1 has moved to EOL? I have even tried making the changes in Developer Tools targeting the element I want changed and then it changed, however when I inserted that exact css in Easy Appointments custom css, the changes do not pull through.  2 - Site Display After inserting the shortcode, some displays were changed, especially the font in my footer, icons not showing anymore, spacing changed, etc. Please advise. Regards, Melissa
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi Melissa, can you try turning off styles. Option in EA Settings > Styles section is called Turn off css files. Mark that and see how will then look like? Best regards, Nikola
melissapretorius Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi Nikola, thank you for the reply. I have tried turning off the css, but is not the solution. I have found to “override” some of the css by using !important.

In terms of the website’s display issues, I’ve managed to manually fix most, only one issue remains that I need help with please. I cannot get the icons in the footer to display correctly. On some pages it shows and on others not.
