Bootstrap 2 columns layout on mobile also 50%, not 100%

SupportCategory: QuestionsBootstrap 2 columns layout on mobile also 50%, not 100%
andreas_huber Staff asked 3 weeks ago
Hello, i am using this shortcode on this page: [ea_bootstrap layout_cols="2" width="100%" service="1"] On mobile the columns are also 50% width. Should be 100% if following normal bootstrap behavior?

First i thought this is because of putting the shortcode inside WP Bakery Column. But now i have it without that. And it is the same. I can override it via CSS, but i think it is a bug and not intended as it now is? Thank you very much,
Best regards, Andreas
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 2 weeks ago

Hi, that should not be the case can you please send me model of a phone that have that issue so i can try. Inside browser resize columns are also resize and behave as there is only one.

Best regards,