Bought the Extension (1 year), but not received the email

SupportBought the Extension (1 year), but not received the email
bordas_akos Staff asked 2 years ago
  1. Hi Nikola, I have purchased the extension, but have not received the email. I double checked the spam folder too. Regards, Akos
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi, will send you the new email right away. Best regards, Nikola
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 2 years ago

Hi, you have only forum membership payment here?

Best regards,

bordas_akos Staff replied 2 years ago

It seems that I only bought the forum access accidentally, but I wanted the calendar extension. The received email was also misleading a bit, because I thought that I purchased the correct one from this sentence:
'You should receive one more email with link for Extension plugin download. If you don't receive second email within 10 minutes please post it on support forum.'

Is there any way to pay only the difference for the plugin?

bordas_akos Staff replied 2 years ago

Hi Nikola! Any suggestions?

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 2 years ago

hi, yes you are right about the message. Forum account was added later and message wasn’t changed. Will solve that today.

Best regards,

bordas_akos Staff replied 2 years ago

Hi Nikola! And what about my other question? I wanted to purchase the plug-in too. I bought the forum only access accidentally. Can I buy the plug-in without paying for the forum membership twice?