bug – price appointments not updating correctly

Supportbug – price appointments not updating correctly
Pascal Staff asked 5 years ago
Hi Nikola, Got no answer from my previous question so i bump my request about wrong prices registering in appointments list :
https://easy-appointments.com/support/big-bug-price-appointments-not-updating-correctly/ I tried to solve the problem by deleting services and rebuilding the services and (re)building connections and setting page.The problem is that deleting the services delete all registered appointments, so i had to backup the database to get them back and i can't try to solve the problems that way. Here is again my problem :
When appointments are registred from front office page with appointment form, the appointments are saved with the right service with the right price. The administrator mail sent contents the right price. The back office appointments list page in website displays the right price, all ok.
Then after a few mins when i refresh the page, the price is changed to another price (lower price of another service). When i create an appointment in Google Calendar, the appointment is created in the back office appointments list in website but doesn't display the right price of the default service set in connect [beta] page.
It is the price of a service that was the default service in connect [beta] page before and that was changed since some weeks for another default service. Now, even if i manually correct the price of each appointment registered with the wrong price, after a few mins when i refresh the the back office appointments list page, my corrections are missing with the wrong prices coming back?!? How can it be solved?
i'm stuck on it without any solution to solve the problem.

Waiting for your answer please,

Best regards,

Pascal Staff replied 5 years ago

Just an additional comment, i made other tests updating informations in some other fields, the changes are well saved and are not deleted after refreshing the page after a few mins.
Only price seems to be affected by this bug. If it can help.

3 Answers
Pascal Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello, Could i have an answer please?
Pascal Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi, I made a new test after the last update. The bug\'s still here.Even if i change the price in the appointments list page, the price is well saved in the database.Then after a few minutes, the comes back to wrong price.What can i answer to my customer now without any news? Best regards, Pascal 
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Pascal, we are working on that one.

Best regards,

Pascal Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Nikola,
My client’s asking me when the problem will be solve.
She’s a bit exhausted about it.
Can i have any date to tell her.
We also noticed that the sync Google Calendar > website sometimes stop.
Sometimes when she creates an appointment in GC, the slot time remains free for another appointment.
I solve the problem by going to connect [beta] page by selecting another default service, then back to the default service i want and save. Then the sync GC > website works again (but the default service choosen and price still buggs as described before).

Best regards,

Pascal Staff replied 5 years ago

And we also noticed sometimes the same appointment registered from website appears twice in Google Calendar, same infos on the same time slot, just strange.
Any idea about it?

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Pascal we are planning new release by end of this week regarding that price issue. Regarding double events in Google Calendar that is the case if Worker and Customer email are the same. Can you please check if that is the case there? Best regards, Nikola
Pascal Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Nikola,
The worker and customer emails are different.
I also made the last upgrade about price and Google Calendar sync troubles.
Price changes can now be changed and permanently saved in back office for the appointments registered it’s ok.
But still have a Google Calendar > Website synchronisation problem. The default service affected to sync remains the wrong one with the wrong price but, as i post before, the informations such as price can be changed and permanently saved in back office.

Best regards,