Calendar for specific service not working

SupportCalendar for specific service not working
Richard asked 5 years ago
I am currently trying to setup a simple booking system for classes. The location / service /worker setup is as follows: id 1: Location id 1: Class id 2: Instructor Available id 1: _dummyWorker I would like to add a second service that allows instructors to register their availability to take classes but I want the student calendar page to only show the student service and instructor calendar page to only show the instructor service. According to the FAQ this should be accomplished by simply doing: [ea_bootstrap worker=”1″ location=”1″ service=”1″] for the student booking form and [ea_bootstrap worker=”1″ location=”1″ service=”2″] for the instructor form However in both cases I am presented with a service drop down featuring both am i missing something or is this functionality not working? I am using version v3.0.4 on WP 5.5.1. I have currently removed all connections for the second service so the student form doesn't have the drop down and have left what was going to be the instructirs page hidden whilst I try and find out if this is possible. Thanks for any help. p.s. As a side note for a feature request would it be possible to stop the same person booking multiple instances of a service during the same time slot e.g. John Smith books 2 out of 10 slots (capacity) by mistake at 18:00