Calendar week start day

SupportCalendar week start day
Stepan Bilcik asked 4 years ago
Hello, I'm reading here tips to change calendar week start day but I think there's a bug in plugin.  I have czech instance of Wordpress. In General page in Wordpress I have Monday as a week starting day. In Easy Appointments plugin setting (5. Settings / Date & Time) I have properly set calendar locale as "cs". Tried to change to de/sk/... but no change. Despite of that my calendar weeks (in backoffice) started on Sunday. On website (customer part) it is okay, weeks in your EA form are starting on Monday (= ok). Could you please check if the appropriate variable/setting/constant is called in calendar view in backoffice? Here you can find screenshots. Thanks Stepan
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Stepan, have to check that in admin part. Maybe it is not loading it from general settings. We will get back to you with response. Best regards, Nikola
dexus Staff answered 2 years ago
Hello Nikola, is there some progress on this topic please? Stepan