Cancellation Click after Cancerl Error

SupportCancellation Click after Cancerl Error
damian rivadulla asked 5 years ago
Hello. i've a problem. i've been lookin en backend callbacks to change de url after click on button cancel on email. I can fix it using email action redirect url: ea_cancel_redirect_url The problem, is than if the user cancel the appointment 2 times, the 2nd time (the appointment can't be canceled) it shows en message like "the appointment can't be cancelled" and it keeps on the same page. There is NO redirection. How can i redirect on that accion? Is there some callback in that case? Thanks  
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Damian, redirect for that is missing in code. If you want it can be added. You want to have same redirect as first cancel action? Best regards, Nikola