Can't book appointment via smart phone
Hi Nik, for some reason my clients and I cannot book the appointment via smartphone, please see attached picture. We appointment book on the desktop works just fine. Does this have anything to do with the fact that I have many clone connection? Also, is there a way that we can customize the error message? thanks

1 Answers
Hi, there is settings for that inside EA Settings > Customize page. Option is called Max number of appointments so put there 0 and there will be no limit. :)
Best regards,
Hi Nik, I put the zero in but it still doesn’t work, it still showing the same error as above. It’s very weird because it works just fine if I book via desktop, I can book as many as my number of clone but it won’t let me book on the smartphone. please help…
i just emptied all of my booked appointments for testing purposes but it still shown the same error.
Hi Nik, I put 30 for Max Number of Appointments in the setting and it works. Look like “0” or leaving it blank is causing the problem. thanks,
thanks for the updated version 🙂
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you can try it out for yourselves here, just put your name as Easy Appt so I know it’s you.
Please help fix all these bugs as soon as you can, I really like the simplicity of this plugin and just need it to works. thanks