Can't call differetn workers

SupportCan't call differetn workers
Andreas asked 2 years ago
II have only 1 question. I use your plugin with 3 employees. To include every employee I use the following shortcode with different worker-id 1, 2 and 3

[ea_bootstrap worker="1" location="1"]  

The problem is, that if I try to make an appointment for example for employee 2 or 3, every time is showing up only employee 1 with ID1.

Any idea what I did wrong or where the problem is?

Thx in advance.
2 Answers
gael gerard Staff answered 2 years ago
After creating the Worker you must create connexions for him for all services and location available to him. The bulk create connexion is quite effective.
AG Staff replied 2 years ago

Hi, sure – I already made this connection for every worker and every service – I think that’s not the problem.

Best regards

gael gerard Staff replied 2 years ago

Hi, we can’t see the shortcode, your post contains the ea calendar. Can you paste it without the brackets so it will only show text?

AG Staff replied 2 years ago

Sure – here you can see

ea_bootstrap worker=”1″ location=”1″
ea_bootstrap worker=”2″ location=”1″
ea_bootstrap worker=”3″ location=”1″

And so on

gael gerard Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi, the correct Shortcode for multiple workers on same location: [[ea_bootstrap worker="1,2,3" location="1"]] The double brackets are to prevent the shortcode to load
gael gerard Staff replied 2 years ago

cant edit answer? More explanation in comment: You just need to add different workers, location or service ids between double quotes separated by commas.

gael gerard Staff replied 2 years ago

And the double brackets around the short code in my answer are hidden automagically by the forum script!

AG Staff replied 2 years ago

OK, but if I have 3 different appointment buttons, each for every worker, how to assign the correct worker to the correct button? I don’t want the customer to have to select the employee, only the service! For this reason, I have assigned a button with the correct code to each employee.

Is that not possiblle?

AG Staff replied 2 years ago

I don’t understand, if I assign the correct ID to each employee in the code with the same location, why is it always only shown in the summary of the employees with ID1, even if I have assigned ID2 in the shortcode? So something like that shou,d work or no? [[ea_bootstrap worker=”Correct Worker ID″ location=”1″]]

gael gerard Staff replied 2 years ago

It is not possible to include multiple shortcodes on the same page. The solution I found for a similar need was to include the shortcode in a modal with a variable parameter triggered by the buttons and load the shortcode only when modal opened. Good luck

AG Staff replied 2 years ago

Ahhhh OK hat was the missing information.Good idea with the modal button, I already use it, only have to change a smalll thing – thx for the hint.