Can't call differetn workers
II have only 1 question. I use your plugin with 3 employees. To include every employee I use the following shortcode with different worker-id 1, 2 and 3
[ea_bootstrap worker="1" location="1"]
The problem is, that if I try to make an appointment for example for employee 2 or 3, every time is showing up only employee 1 with ID1.
Any idea what I did wrong or where the problem is?
Thx in advance.
Hi, sure – I already made this connection for every worker and every service – I think that’s not the problem.
Best regards
Hi, we can’t see the shortcode, your post contains the ea calendar. Can you paste it without the brackets so it will only show text?
Sure – here you can see
ea_bootstrap worker=”1″ location=”1″
ea_bootstrap worker=”2″ location=”1″
ea_bootstrap worker=”3″ location=”1″
And so on
cant edit answer? More explanation in comment: You just need to add different workers, location or service ids between double quotes separated by commas.
And the double brackets around the short code in my answer are hidden automagically by the forum script!
OK, but if I have 3 different appointment buttons, each for every worker, how to assign the correct worker to the correct button? I don’t want the customer to have to select the employee, only the service! For this reason, I have assigned a button with the correct code to each employee.
Is that not possiblle?
I don’t understand, if I assign the correct ID to each employee in the code with the same location, why is it always only shown in the summary of the employees with ID1, even if I have assigned ID2 in the shortcode? So something like that shou,d work or no? [[ea_bootstrap worker=”Correct Worker ID″ location=”1″]]
It is not possible to include multiple shortcodes on the same page. The solution I found for a similar need was to include the shortcode in a modal with a variable parameter triggered by the buttons and load the shortcode only when modal opened. Good luck
Ahhhh OK hat was the missing information.Good idea with the modal button, I already use it, only have to change a smalll thing – thx for the hint.
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