Can't get format right

SupportCan't get format right
alanjkiel Staff asked 8 years ago
I have followed the documentation but my page is displaying terrible.  Not sure what needs to be done.  It's way down the page etc.  Here is a link to the page:
6 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago
Hi,   have you tried to use bootstrap version of plugin ? Also you can try without any CSS from plugin. There is an option called Turn off css files inside settings > customize page. Just mark that option and see what is going on. Reason why you have bad style is conflict between your theme and plugin styles.    Best regards, Nikola
alanjkiel Staff answered 8 years ago
 That\'s a bit better but I keep getting select another day and the page is really spacing terrible
alanjkiel Staff answered 8 years ago
I have made some changes to: My question is where can I edit how the time choices are being displayed?
alanjkiel Staff answered 8 years ago
Okay I now have the format the way I want it - however now it won't email the appointment
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago
Hi, can you please tell me what email is not received for customer or for admin? Best regards, Nikola
alanjkiel Staff answered 8 years ago
neither are getting sent