Change Reply Name on Email

SupportChange Reply Name on Email
dogeil Staff asked 4 years ago
dogeil Staff replied 4 years ago

Just setting things up and doing some test bookings.
My question relates to the email that is sent out to the client with their Pending request.
The name on the email comes through as WordPress.
I’ve looked but cannot seem to find out where I would put in something other than WordPress. My preference is to have the company name here instead.
Any help on this is appreciated. Thank you!

1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Duane, yes you can. Here is how to do that: Best regards, Nikola
dogeil Staff replied 4 years ago

Nikola, thank you for the note and link.
I did have an email address in the Send From section, but the problem still persists.
Upon receipt the email name shows as WordPress, but if you hover over the name WordPress it does show the correct email address.
We would like to change the name WordPress to be a name from the company instead.

Thanks! Duane