Charged by PayPal but no booking done

SupportCharged by PayPal but no booking done
Carlos Lima asked 4 years ago
Hi - I’ve recently started to use PayPal's required payment option. Yesterday one client paid via PayPal and completed her booking for the 14:00h spot. However, another client who was simultaneously trying to book the 14:00h spot as well had his credit card charged, but was not able to book as the spot had already been taken. His attempt was not registered in the easyappoitments dashboard and I learned about it because he emailed us and I received his payment via PayPal. I wonder if you have any thoughts on how I could avoid this to happen. Many thanks and congratulations for the excellent plugin!
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Carlos, there is option called auto reservation that will reserve that slot when users click on time slot in calendar and hold it for 5 minutes so he/she can finish booking. That will prevent both users from trying to book same slot. Best regards, Nikola
carlos_lima Staff replied 4 years ago

Great, many thanks. I thought of using it, but I did not know it would hold the reservation for just a limited period of five minutes. That is perfect for my case.

carlos_lima Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Nikola - I tried to use auto reservation as you suggested, however, when auto reservation is on, PayPal button just does not show ( I'm using payment is required with PayPal) for any client/ any spot. 
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 4 years ago

Please revert to previous setting until we check what is going on.

Best regards,