Confirmation emails ARE working with Gmail… NOT with aol or yahoo
I have conducted several test emails... some go through to the customer, some do not. I have narrowed it down to this:
Gmail works.
AOL and Yahoo do not. Help!
AOL and Yahoo do not. Help!
3 Answers
Hi Daniel, looks like issue on recipient side. Can you please paste here example of that conformation email? Maybe it is due to mail content.
Best regards,

Hello #first-name#, Thanks for your interest in Welch College! You have requested a #service_name# on #date# starting at #start# until #end#. #worker_name# will contact you soon by email to confirm this date and time. If you need to contact us, feel free to reach out by email, #worker_email#, or by phone, #worker_phone#. We can't wait to see you! The Welch College Admissions Team
1045 Bison Trail, Gallatin, TN 37066 Here is the information you provided: #first-name# #last-name#
Graduated from #what-high-school-do-you-did-you-attend# in #what-year-do-you-did-you-graduate-from-high-school#.
Program of Study: #program-of-study#
Comments: #is-there-anything-you-would-like-us-to-know-about# If you need to cancel your #service_name#, please contact #worker_name# by email, #worker_email#.

Thanks for the template, it's looking ok. I was thinking that it is going to be some test content that can easily be marked as spam but this is totally fine.
I am not sure that there is a thing that can be done from EA point. Your site is sending emails but those are not received by some mail servers. Maybe your IP is blacklisted by some servers, sometimes that can be the case on shared hosting.
Best regards,
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