Confirmations emails not being sent

SupportConfirmations emails not being sent
Arturo Treviño asked 7 years ago
None of the emails that should be sent to the customers or to the admin are being sent. I'm getting this log error:   ------------ ERROR #1 ------------
ERRORS: {"wp_mail_failed":["You must provide at least one recipient email address."]}
ERRORS_DATA: {"wp_mail_failed":{"to":[""],"subject":"Cita por confirmar","message":"<p>Hola&nbsp;<span id=\"custom-tags\">,<\/span><\/p>\n<p>Muchas gracias por tu solicitud de cita con Diego Montemayor&nbsp;sobre&nbsp;Presentaci\u00f3n de Proyecto&nbsp;el&nbsp;21 junio, 2018 a las&nbsp;3:00 pm.<\/p>\n<p>Nos comunicaremos contigo para confirmar.<\/p>\n<p>Gracias.<\/p>","headers":[],"attachments":[],"phpmailer_exception_code":2}}
---------- ERROR #1 END ---------- I tried with other versions and still doesn't work. I need help.
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi looks like you are missing field name for email. You need custom field called email or e-mail. Best regards, Nikola
arturo.trevino Staff replied 7 years ago


arturo.trevino Staff answered 7 years ago
Dear Nikola, I already have the email field for the users to be filled as you can see in the next picture: Actual fields Also you can check the settings I have here:
Start your code here
Settings   I don't know what am I doing wrong...   The site is