connect with google calendar

Supportconnect with google calendar
tomasz_plebankiewicz Staff asked 5 years ago
Hi I`ve got a question about connection with GC calendar. I connected it with GC and every wotk fine but I`ve go a problem with services I`ve got: 1 - location 12 - services 8 - workers And now fe: Person A can do services: 1,2,3,4 Person B cen do services: 3,4,5,6 One service can be done by a few workers But thay can do only one service in the same time. So when I reserved pesrson A to do a service 3 on monday at 13 to 14 pm - it coudn`t be possoble to reserved the same person in the same time to do a service 4 I created calendars in the Advanced Calendars sync period and create calendars in google calendars panel
  • Calendar - Person 1 service 3
  • Calendar - Person 1 service 4
  • Calendar - Person 1 service 5
But there is something wrong because when I reserved one service to person 1 - in the same time I could reserved service 2 to the same person i the same time. Are You able to help me? thx and best regards
6 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi, looks like really complex setup. I am not sure that you can prevent other Worker from having that slot. Free slots are calculated by worker and looks like in your case Location should be responsible for calculating free slots? Is that correct? Best regards, Nikola
tomasz_plebankiewicz Staff replied 5 years ago

I`m not sure if I`m understand You.
We have one location – it is for example language school
We can do for our student 12 diffrent language lessons:
– english
– polish
– german
– spanish
– etc.

We have got 8 teachers
Mr Piotr is in the school on monday from 10 – 18 pm
And in this time he have 8 free slots:
10 -11

And he can make a lessons from
english or spenish

Ms Monika
iis in the school on monday from 16 – 18 pm
and she can do only an english lessons

And form me is important
When I booked mr Piotr on monday from 10 to 11 on english lessons nobody can booked him in the same time to fe french lessons

Are You understand me?

tomasz_plebankiewicz Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Is there any way to solve my problem?
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Ok, this part made everything clear:
mr Piotr on monday from 10 to 11 on english lessons nobody can booked him in the same time to fe french lessons
I need just one more info. Classes are one on one so only one slot per teacher? If that is the case you can have such setup :) Best regards, Nikola
tomasz_plebankiewicz Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Hello, sorry for my absence, but can we try to fix this now?
"Classes are one on one so only one slot per teacher?" - what do You mean? can You understand me? As I wrote before: Mr. Piotr is present at school on Monday from 10:00 to 18:00 - during this time he can teach the following lessons:
- English lesson
- French lesson
- etc Ms Anna is also at school on Monday, but between the hours: 2 p.m. - 8 p.m.
She can teach:
- French lesson
- Russian language lesson But she can't teach English - because she doesn't know it. Just like Mr. Piotr cannot teach Russian. I don't know if I explained it well?
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Tomasz, my question was how many people are on one lesson? Does teacher have one student at the time?

Best regards,

tomasz_plebankiewicz Staff answered 4 years ago
Yes - every time only one on one - one teacher one student
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Tomasz sorry for waiting, here is how you need to organise settings. You need to have one Connection per Teacher per service (language). So there must be one slot per language. Also you need to uncheck option called multiple work in EA Settings > Customize page. By doing that, your teacher will have only one slot per language and if someone books slot for example from 10 till 11 it will be blocked for other languages for that teacher. Best regards, Nikola