Connecting Google Calendar Video Tutorial outdated with Google New settings

SupportConnecting Google Calendar Video Tutorial outdated with Google New settings
damien_roberts Staff asked 4 years ago
I have watched your video but it does not follow along with how Google OAuth consent's updated settings screen and is confusing. Can you help me connect our our Website Easy Appointments WP plugin to the Google Calendar API please?
damien_roberts Staff replied 4 years ago

Ok I was able to successfully able to add all the details to get the Client ID and Secret entered in my easy appointments connect. However, I was not able to authorize my account. Not sure what I did wrong. Please advise any tips

damien_roberts Staff replied 4 years ago

update. Was able to authorize the account 🙂 Appointments are appearing in my calendar now. The new question is, why are the confirmation and cancel links so hard to decipher in Google Calendars? I wish I could show you an image to be more descriptive. Just to describe, when you hover your google calendar appointment a box appears with the details of the meeting. There are very longs links that seem to be for confirming and canceling the meeting. When you click confirm it says “Appointment can’t be confirmed!” and if you click the other links it cancels the appointment. Here is the link to the calendar Do you know what I am referring too? Hope this help get this solved.

3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, I can't see that calendar. Why you need link to cancel appointment inside Google Calendar? If you want to do that simple remove that event from Google Calendar :) Best regards, Nikola
damien_roberts Staff answered 4 years ago
Sorry, I figured out all my answers to the previews questions. I did however find a bug that does need to be addressed. When I applied the key and secret key to Google captcha V3, the appointment page would not work. What happens is the calendar allows you to choose a day and time but then you can not edit the contact information as it stays greyed out and forms unfillable. When I delete the google v3 captcha keys, your appointments calendar works great and is syncing to Google Calendar. How do I fix this? Thanks for your support.
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Damien, can you please tell me have you tried to clear cache if you are using some kind of caching engine on your site. Those google v3 captch values are stored inside page and if cache is not purged then it will use old version of page content. Best regards, Nikola