Connections tab date picker shows as picking one day behind when selecting the date

SupportCategory: QuestionsConnections tab date picker shows as picking one day behind when selecting the date
CISSSMCDeveloppement Staff asked 5 months ago
When I edit a connection and I select a date in the 
'Start date' field the selection appears in the field with
one day less.
The same thing happens with the 'End date' field.

Can you help me please ?

2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 months ago

Hi, I was not able to recreate such issue. Can you please read date/time settings on your WordPress Admin part.

Best regards,

CISSSMCDeveloppement Staff answered 5 months ago
Date format: Y-m-d 
time format: H:i The date.timezon is America/New_york

Thank you.
CISSSMCDeveloppement Staff replied 4 months ago

I still have the problem…