Create Appointment with custom WordPress function

SupportCreate Appointment with custom WordPress function
gael gerard Staff asked 3 years ago
Bonjour, In my web app, the Employee create the appointment inside a custom form where I open the EApp booking calendar. The name of the invite is in a form field external to EApp. When the Employee submit the form, name and email of the Curstomer are updated in wp_ea_appointments Table in the database. Working fine but When I visit the wp-admin/admin.php?page=easy_app_top_level in dashboard, the informations are not shown. Moreover, the `name` information is also missing from the event synched to Google. Attached the screenshot shows informations displayed on WP dashboard on top and informations in db below. Can you please help me to find what I must update in my function to display the name and eventually description in WP Dashboard and in Google Synched events. Merci
2 Answers
Best Answer
gael gerard Staff answered 3 years ago
I found the solution ! The informations displayed in the Dashboard Appointments list and sent to Google Calendar comes from the custom fields. I created the fields I needed in EasyApp settings page and populate them while creating the Appointment in my WP function. The informations are now shown in Dashboard Appointments list and sent to Google Calendar.
gael gerard Staff answered 3 years ago