Custom field label

SupportCustom field label
biosdi Staff asked 5 years ago
I added a custom field, but label is not fully visible because characters go behind typing area... How can I solve this?   Thanks
biosdi Staff replied 5 years ago

3rd field from top

biosdi Staff replied 5 years ago

2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi, try adding this to custom styles section inside EA Settings > Customize page:
.ea-bootstrap label { white-space: normal; }
Best regards, Nikola
biosdi Staff replied 5 years ago

Thanks Nikola. Done it, partially solved. Now labels are misaligned with typing space. Could you fix it?


biosdi Staff answered 5 years ago
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi, thanks fro screen shot. This will be fixed soon.

Best regards,