Customer address as location

SupportCustomer address as location
pverstraten Staff asked 7 years ago
Hi Nicola, I would like to know how to set the customers address as the location? I tried #address# as location name, but it takes that literal. Paul
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Paul, where you want to do that? Inside notification email? Best regards, Nikola
pverstraten Staff answered 7 years ago
In admin:
  • Settings - Location - Name: #customfield#
It shows in the Reservation overview after selecting a time slot.  With a variable Location-name, it can also be used to make appointments for housecalls. Right now I fixed it by hiding the location tr with custom css and custom fields in the e-mails. .row-location {display:none;}   But this is of course a workaround, no solution.  
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi that field is not dynamic so that is the reason why you are not able to do that. 🙁

best regards,

pverstraten Staff answered 7 years ago
Please move this to Feature Request then ;) Would be a great + for the tool, since a lot of self-employed people work at their clients place: hairdressers, nannies, healthcare personell, etc.