Customer not received text message

SupportCustomer not received text message
WebDevGuy Staff asked 5 years ago
Hello.  I have configured Twilio settings per your instructions.  A worker receives a SMS text message, but the customer does not receive the text message.  What other settings should I check?  Thank you
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi, did you select field that will be used for sending SMS to that number. Also there is a option to set country code prefix if you are using regular input field for that number. Best regards, Nikola
WebDevGuy Staff answered 5 years ago
Yes.  For the Phone field, I selected PHONE as the field that will be used as phone number for sending SMS to. Customer number . For the option to set country code prefix (if you are using regular input field for that number), I added a \'1\' and a \'+1\' and neither option worked.