
Felix asked 6 years ago
Hello Nikola!

First I must say I LOVE your plugin easy-appointments, I have not yet tested it for my company but privately it works wonders! 

I do however have ONE problem :( and I was thinking maybe you know how to fix it :)

my custom made emails for <pending> <Reservation> etc etc sends to the customer just as they should BUT

I've entered as the sender, which it does show as

But not right away, first you got to click the email and THEN you see DLVRY@taxijamtland, as the sender in quite small text 
in the example Below I shall type how the message appears in the INBOX

WORDPRESS               Reservation #14 is now pending, we will get back to you etc...

it should say

DLVRY Taxi                   Reservation #14 blablablablabla

why does it send as WORDPRESS? :( how do I change that? as said above you have to first click the mail and THEN u see DLVRY taxi. but it should be DLVRY taxi from the start :(