
Bill asked 4 years ago
I have a client working with Easy Appointments and he is asking about some customization but I don't see any options for this in the plugin. Are any of these options available in the free or pro version along with any support? Thanks. In the form:
  • Relabel the Services at the top to pose the question: Is this material from a __________? The service is the answer (Household or Business)
  • The phone section I’d like to remove the Country code
  • The Material to be dropped off section.  Can we create a list of check boxes with a note field next to each one? This would work best for us. If not we’ll go with an open field.
  • The last question about leaking containers is cut off. Not sure how to wrap the text.
Booking process:
  • Email to admin when appointment is made is working
  • Need email to user when appointment is confirmed.
  • Would like to email staff a daily list of appointments made
  • Would like to email staff a list of the daily schedule each morning
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, you can do that all in free version except last part in Schedule section. Best regards, Nikola