date of birth (date picker), location, phone number validation required

Supportdate of birth (date picker), location, phone number validation required
waseem asked 3 years ago
Great Plugin
I have some requirement, could you please let me know is it possible?
1) In appointment form I need date of birth so will you add date picker into custom form fields.
2) In the same form I want customer to share their location so any possibility for this?
3) Phone field accepted characters also and only one digit also accepted thus unlimited digits are accepted. Can you please make a validation for phone numbers 10 digit only.
totomax67 Staff replied 3 years ago

Yes, it would great ! I need date picker into custom form field too… Thank you !!

2 Answers
waseem Staff answered 3 years ago
any response?
waseem Staff answered 2 years ago
Can you please implement this in future release??? Thank You!