deleting appointments from WP ea to google don't works (all other sync are ok)

Supportdeleting appointments from WP ea to google don't works (all other sync are ok)
Demez asked 4 years ago
When I delete a appointment in the plugin EA, this appointment is not deleted in Google Calendar (and only in this direction). All other sync between "EA" plugin and google calendar is OK and it's OK in the 2 directions (creation, modification). Can you help me, thank's
4 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Demez, can you please tell me have you added advance sync option mappings inside Extension Google Settings? Best regards, Nikola
michel_demez Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, Yes, I use advance option mappings. If I don't use it, there are no sync between Google and WP. I don't no now if is linked, but when I use the buton "donload sync log fil", I have always a error message that tell me that the "the URI don't exist" Best regard
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, can you please take a screen shot of those advance sync option mappings? You need avoid any value in those mappings. Best regards, Nikola
michel_demez Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, How can I send you the screen shot? I don't use "any" in values. Best regards, Michel  
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Michel, sorry for waiting. You can send it to nikolanbg[at]gmail[dot]com . Soon there will be option to attache files in forum.

Best regards,