Description content is stripped from new lines in emails
I am setting up the email confirmations, but the description that I add, does not contain the formatting. If I add this to the description:
test 1 -
test 2 -
test 3
Then it shows test 1 -test 2 -test 3 in the confirmation emails. If there isn't a setting to fix this, can you please tell me where in the code files I can comment this out. I do realise that future backups will overwrite this and I have to change it again. That's not problem for me, as long as the emails keep their formatting for now.
test 1 -
test 2 -
test 3
Then it shows test 1 -test 2 -test 3 in the confirmation emails. If there isn't a setting to fix this, can you please tell me where in the code files I can comment this out. I do realise that future backups will overwrite this and I have to change it again. That's not problem for me, as long as the emails keep their formatting for now.
2 Answers
Hi, sorry for waiting. Email used is HTML type so if you create that check email source to see tags. So if you want to write that as plain text then it would be shown as you mention but there is no option to switch to plain mail content atm.
Best regards,
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