Detect duplicates

SupportDetect duplicates
roquefabian Staff asked 5 years ago
Hi Nicola.
Excellent plug in.
It happens a lot to me that some do not receive confirmation and believe that they did not register (although the dorm unit tells them so). This prevents schedules from being wasted by duplicates or triples.
I need if you could block appointment requests with some data that cannot be repeated from the client. For example cell phone number, identity document, email, etc.
If it already exists, where can I consult it.
Thank you very much.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi, you will need to add custom code for that one. There is a hook that can be used in that case. :) Best regards, Nikola
roquefabian Staff replied 5 years ago

Donde puedo encontrar como hacer eso ??
Where can I find how to do that?

damien_roberts Staff replied 3 years ago

Nikola, I am getting 10 duplicate of the same confirmed appointment. How so I add that custom code to my website to fix this issue please?