Different Confirmation Email per Service

SupportDifferent Confirmation Email per Service
Rochel asked 4 years ago
Is there a way to customize the confirmation email text not just based on Status but based on Service?  Ex: Someone books pickup service appointment and their confirmation email tells them how to prep their item to be ready for pickup. Someone else books curbside service appointment and they need other instructions for where to go when they arrive for curbside pickup.

If the same content is sent to both it's confusing and partially irrelevant 
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Rochel, if you are willing to invest some money into it we can alter mail templates to use real template engine so that you can write something like this:
[if service == 1] Content 1...[endif] [if service == 2] Content 2...[endif]
inside template. We are planning such thing but if you want you can speed up things :) Best regards, Nikola