Down Arrow / Triangle in Select Box Not Visible

SupportDown Arrow / Triangle in Select Box Not Visible
zengfuxu Staff asked 7 years ago

Wordpress Version: 4.9.8
Easy Appointments Plugin Version: 2.3.5
PHP Version: 5.6.30
Hi. I am going to use Easy Appointments plugin to integrate SMS reminder. Before purchase the Twilio SMS extension, I tried the Easy Appointments plugin in my website. I have used the shortcode:
[[ea_bootstrap width="600px" scroll_off="true" layout_cols="2"]]
But the down arrow/triangle of the dropdownlist in all Select boxes are not visible. You can see this in my website page:
Please help me to fix. Thank you!
Joshua Xu

1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Joshua, I have already replied to that topic. You can't just like that convert those select fields with custom ones because it will break EA Form. I will suggest that you improve styles instead of altering HTML structure. Best regards, Nikola
zengfuxu Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Nikola. Thank you for your reply. But I really don’t understand what you said in your message. I didn’t “convert those select fields with custom ones”. I simply used the short code provided in your website. Sorry I also don’t understand what to do to improve styles. I didn’t alter HTML structure. What do you mean by improve styles and how to do that? Please help me. Thank you!