Dropdown menus show only connected Workers

SupportDropdown menus show only connected Workers
stevedwell Staff asked 8 years ago
Can you make the dropdown menus in the admin section only show connected workers for the location that was chosen? We have a client that has many workers at many different locations and its getting confusing when having to choose or possibly picking the wrong one.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago
Hi, when you create connection between worker and location, then only valid combination of worker and location will have open slots in calendar.  Best regards, Nikola
stevedwell Staff replied 8 years ago

I realize that, but when showing the appointments and then trying to schedule them in the backend its cluttered when all the workers show for the same location even though they aren’t even assgned to that location.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 8 years ago

I will have to check, maybe I can improve that part.

Best regards,