Dynamically create ea_bootstrap shortcode

SupportDynamically create ea_bootstrap shortcode
paul Staff asked 6 years ago
Hello, I would like to have one page with the ea_bootstrap shortcode on and be able to dynamically set the worker and location on it so that they are defaulted sometimes and others available for selection. Can you tell me if this is possible please and if so how I could do it? The idea is that a page before it would set the defaulted location and if the page displaying the ea-bootstrap shortcode receives the location when it is called then it will set the location attribute to that value otherwise it will leave it open for selection. Or do I have to create a different page with each combination? Thanks a lot Paul
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Paul, can you please tell me how you are going to select those values? Via link? You will need custom solution around EA on that one. Best regards, Nikola
paul Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Nikola, Thanks. Probably from other pages via url paramaters e.g. http://bookpage?location=6&worker=6. But we need to finalise our design first. It might be that we can get by with separate pages.  I'll let you know. Thanks again Best regards Paul
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

You’re welcome. Just let me know when you have decided and still have some question 🙂

Best regards,