EA 3.9.1 showing different times in web form and in control panel: unacceptable support latency

SupportEA 3.9.1 showing different times in web form and in control panel: unacceptable support latency
cpsyctc Staff asked 3 years ago
This is getting ridiculous, I have an unclosed bug report from a month back (https://easy-appointments.com/support/ug-manual-creation-of-appointments-in-control-panel-sends-misleading-email/) I and Daniele have one open for six days (https://easy-appointments.com/support/booking-slot-issue/#answer-24585)  I now find that there is a one hour misalignment between bookings shown to me in he control panel and those shown to the public in the online form so the form is now effectively useless to me.  Time to move and with some real anger that you do not seem to be able to resource your support to match your ambitions for your plugin Nicola.  Given that you have premium versions (and I'm paying for some of those options) this is no longer acceptable and your plugin is maybe becoming a liability to others, not just to me.  Sad.
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi sorry for waiting. Update with fix for it will be done during the week. :( Best regards, Nikola
cpsyctc Staff answered 3 years ago
Sorry.  I simply can't understand that these issues arose and took so long to fix.  I have removed Easy Appointments and installed Amelia and hope I don't have issues there, so far it has seemed fine: nicer interface and pretty user friend to me as administrator and to clients but it's early days.