Email not sent to users

SupportEmail not sent to users
Yoann MARTIN asked 3 years ago
Hi, I've seen this question asked a lot, I tried some of the solutions listed (like delete and redo the email field) but it's not working. I'm receiving the reservation admin email, which I can confirm or decline, it's working fine, but the client is not receiving emails. I've tried the email test tool, but it's not working as well, and the error log remains empty. (native is not working as well) My wordpress mail seems to work, I can send and receive emails from other forms.   Does anyone has an idea ? Thanks a lot in advance !
jamarchi Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem, I only recived the email with the reservation, but I don´t received the email to the customer and the cancel or confirm email as well, what can be the problem

1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi Martin, sorry for waiting. Can you please tell me do you have custom form field with type of email or named it email? Also that option should be marked inside Mail notification settings in EA Admin part. Best regards, Nikola
Yoannmartin Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi Nikola,
When I inspect element in my browser, the field email is like : id=”email” type=”text” name=”email”.
Is the problem coming from the “type text”?
Inside the mail notification settings everything is checked.
And in my input settings the email field is correctly set as an email type (not text type).

Thanks in advance