Email notification not sending, see logfile!

SupportEmail notification not sending, see logfile!
frederic_wullens Staff asked 1 year ago
Hello, Since one week, the email notification is not working, this leads to some complaints from our customers. Please see the logfile below and advice urgently. There might be some addins to add in WP to tackle this isuse. Thank you in advance for your quick support! {"wp_mail_failed":{"to":[""],"subject":"Bokning p\u00e5 Linn\u00e9 H\u00f6rsel","message":"<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n<html lang=\"sv\">\n <head>\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text\/html;charset=UTF-8\">\n <\/head>\n <body>\n <p>Tack f\u00f6r din bokning!<\/p>\n<p>V\u00e4nligen <strong>reng\u00f6r dina \u00f6ron<\/strong> med Revax\u00f6r eller liknande inf\u00f6r ditt bes\u00f6k s\u00e5 att det inte finns n\u00e5gra vaxproppar.<\/p>\n<p>Med v\u00e4nlig h\u00e4lsning, Linn\u00e9 H\u00f6rsel<\/p>\n<p>2023-05-04, 09:30<\/p>\n<p>H\u00f6rselskydd - avtryckstagning<\/p>\n<p>Leg. Aud Jessica Rydz p\u00e5 Linn\u00e9 h\u00f6rsel<\/p>\n <\/body>\n<\/html>","headers":[],"attachments":[],"phpmailer_exception_code":2}}
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 1 year ago

Hi, looks like there is no email field inside customers form? Do you have email field type?

Best regards,

frederic_wullens Staff replied 1 year ago

Hello Nikola, thank you for your answer. The problem was finally solved by updated the PHP version of the WP site at my webhost.
So if mails are not sent anymore, it can be a good idea to update the PHP version.


Nikola Loncar Staff replied 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for the update. Mail service on local hosting can be tricky to debug. 🙂

Best regards,