Emails not being sent to visitor when booking

SupportEmails not being sent to visitor when booking
Mariela asked 5 years ago
Hi,  I've just finished setting Easy Appointments on my website and I booked a trial appointment (as if I were a client) but I haven't received an email after filling the form. I've also sent a test email but I don`t receive anything. Can you help with this problem, please? 
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Mariela, can you please tell me do you get any email from your site? For example when you try to reset password etc. Best regards, Nikola
Mariela Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi, Nikola! Thanks for your answer. Yes, I can send and receive emails from my site’s email account.


timhuk Staff replied 5 years ago

I am also seeing the same issue. My ‘worker’ IS getting a notification email but the ‘user’ is NOT.

EA version 3.0.4; WordPress version 5.5.1


timhuk Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Nikola,

I now believe that it will only send to email addresses from the same domain as the website. If I make a booking with an email of the same domain then the notification is send. But any other email address and the notification fails.


timhuk Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Nikola, I believe that it will only send to email addresses from the same domain as the website. If I make a booking with an email of the same domain then a notification is sent. But any other email address and the notification fails.   Do you have any progress on this issue? Best
timhuk Staff answered 4 years ago
Nikola, I have now managed to fix my email issue.  I found that my 'from' address was an alias (not a real email account).  I changed this to a real account and all now works fine - sending emails to both the user and the admin.   The "Easy WP SMTP" plugin might also be a good solution for others:   Regards Tim