Emails not received

SupportEmails not received
Stewart Watson asked 4 years ago
Screenshot of settings pageHi,  No emails are being received by the person booking the appt.  This error shows in the log ------------ ERROR #1 ------------
ERRORS: {"wp_mail_failed":["Could not instantiate mail function."]}
ERRORS_DATA: {"wp_mail_failed":{"to":[""],"subject":"Reservation 2","message":"<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n <head>\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text\/html;charset=UTF-8\">\n <\/head>\n <body>\n <p>pending<\/p>\n <\/body>\n<\/html>","headers":[],"attachments":[],"phpmailer_exception_code":2}}
---------- ERROR #1 END ---------- And yes they are set up to be sent in the settings.  Thanks and regards Stewart
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
By looking at error message Could not instantiate mail function. looks like you need to check host settings regarding email function. Best regards, Nikola