Embedding code doesn’t work …

SupportEmbedding code doesn’t work …
monika-mental Staff asked 4 years ago

Hi there, I am sorry to have to ask such a basic question, but after using all my knowledge I still cannot proceed ...
I am usind WP with the AVADA Theme.
I added a "CSS CODE" element on the page and included this code:


The result ist the following text on the refresched website (other browser):

East Appointments - Settings validation:
You need to define at least one location.
You need to define at least one service.
You need to define at least one worker.
There should be at least one Connection.
I have defined and saved all these categories.
Why is not the calendar displayed and what can I do to make it appear ?

Kind regards,


2 Answers
monika-mental Staff answered 4 years ago
The code was obviously deletet in the post. I'll try again with blanks:   "[ ea_ bootstrap width="800px" scroll_off = "true" layout _ cols="2" ]"
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Monika, have you created at least one connection inside EA settings? Best regards, Nikola
monika-mental Staff replied 4 years ago

Thanks for the answer, Nikola,
yes I have created a connection.

The thing is: I found out, that the code works on my maiin page, but NOT on my subdomain page (Wp Multisite administration). Is The plugin nit usable for subdomains in multisite installation ? Odr can I change any options to make it work ?

monika-mental Staff replied 4 years ago

sorry for typography. Mobile phone without glasses … 😉

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Monika, it’s only for single site usage because there is only one database that is shared. Should be visible on that subdomain site but having same settings as on main.

Best regards,

monika-mental Staff replied 4 years ago

Obviously it does not appear on the subdomain. I need only one database. And it looks really bad even on the main page. The available times overwrite the text and form fields. Maybe ist does not work with my avada theme ?

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 4 years ago

Can you please share the link to that page?

monika-mental Staff replied 4 years ago

yes wait a moment