Error message when trying to add more than one calendar within Google Calendar add-on

SupportError message when trying to add more than one calendar within Google Calendar add-on
pamelapar Staff asked 7 years ago
When I'm trying to add individual calendars within the Google Calendar plug-in, I'm getting an error message that says "please check your token!"  The API stuff and the authorization seemed to work fine, but I'm getting this error. Ideas?   
4 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, can you please delete token and authorize again. Do that two times in a row and then try again to add more then one calendar. Best regards, Nikola
pamelapar Staff replied 7 years ago

Tried that. Deleted it and authorized again a bunch of times, logged in and logged out, etc. Still getting the same error.

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi,   do things this way. Delete token for Settings then go to your Google Account (under manage apps) and remove connection to App there. Then authorize token again inside EasyAppointments section.   Best regards, Nikola
pamelapar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hmm. Tried that several times and tried other variations (deleting from Google Accounts first, for example, logging out and logging back in, etc. ) and I'm still getting the same error. 
pamelapar Staff answered 7 years ago
Ok, this thread can be closed now. This problem resolved itself when I went through the whole Google Developers Console process from scratch and created a new API key, etc. Thanks for your help. Sorry for the trouble since it seems to be user error on my part!