Error message with the shortcode + Twilio question

SupportError message with the shortcode + Twilio question
pixeligo Staff asked 4 years ago
Hello, on I use the shortcode [ea_bootstrap worker="1" location="1" service="1"] to have a display like I add 2 connections for 2 employees and Working Yes. I need to remind the customer one day before the appointment. Is it possible wiht the extra plugin Twilio ? Thank's by advance for your reply. Pascal
pixeligo Staff replied 4 years ago

Shortcode [ ea_bootstrap worker=”1″ location=”1″ service=”1″ ] 😉

1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, yes you have that option with Extension plugin. You can send SMS or EMail reminder message with it :) Best regards, Nikola
pixeligo Staff replied 4 years ago

Ok thank’s Nikola. I’ll bought it when I can have the display like Actually I have an error message that I don’t understand. I read the documentation but I don’t find where is my mistake.
Best regards

pixeligo Staff replied 4 years ago

Sorry to disturb you, I found my mistake.