Error on Uploading Extension Plugin

SupportError on Uploading Extension Plugin
saurabh_kumar Staff asked 5 years ago
Request Timeout
Server timeout waiting for the HTTP request from the client.

Please provide steps to update the extension.
saurabh_kumar Staff replied 5 years ago

Please update soon on this!

2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi, can you please tell me current version of plugin that you have? Best regards, Nikola
saurabh_kumar Staff replied 5 years ago

I just received it today the Plugins Folder. Where do I find the version?

saurabh_kumar Staff replied 5 years ago

OR do you mean the existing installed basic version inside wordpress, Version 3.0.4?

saurabh_kumar Staff replied 5 years ago

Please update soon?

saurabh_kumar Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Nikola, any update please?

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi, sorry for waiting. Can you please create a temp account for me so I can check what is going on there. Email is nikolanbg[at]gmail[dot]com. Best regards, Nikola
saurabh_kumar Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Nikola, What account. Can you please set up a meeting or something ?

saurabh_kumar Staff replied 5 years ago

I am online for another 10 mins, please reply soon or call me on +61469254562

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi, I will install it for you but I will need WP Admin account to access site. That is reason why I was sending you my email address.

saurabh_kumar Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Nikola, i can’t provide WP admin, however, happy to share screen so you can take a look. Please let me know soon if this possible to be done ASAP as already been waiting for 8 hours now since buying the extension. I have campaign running and need to set few things quickly so it does not affect us more.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 5 years ago

We can have screen share meeting. What tool you are using for that?

Best regards,

saurabh_kumar Staff replied 5 years ago

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 774 9374 8961
Passcode: kxcB1W

saurabh_kumar Staff replied 5 years ago

You have been amazing Nikol, trying to help. Just to let you know I manage to fix the messaging. Just needed to create a messaging service in Twilio which we did but then I added the sender. That sender name I user in send from and it worked.

Looking forward to fix for old calendar entry reset and Time zone fix 🙂

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 5 years ago

You’re welcome 🙂