error when trying to download extension plugin

Supporterror when trying to download extension plugin
actyves Staff asked 6 years ago
safari cant open the page - error is operation couldnot be a directory. nsposixeerrordomain:21  after taken the whole file into the upload field of wordpress    
actyves Staff replied 6 years ago

sorry When trying to upload the login of course, the download after payment viadropbox was easy

2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
It's simple just download it and then upload it to WP via Add new option in Plugins section :) but make sure that you have EasyAppointments installed there as well Best regards, Nikola
actyves Staff replied 6 years ago

Dear Nikola,
I of course followed the noral way of doing things, which always worked out well. Till now.
So I downloaded the extension zip.file by clicking on the link in your email and downloading it from your dropbox to my MacBook download folder. Then I ofcourse followed the logical step to go to wordpress, plugins, add new, upload plugin.
So far so good.
However when I try to chose the zip.file to upload, I cannot upload the whole file (easy-appointments-connect) as it is a FOLDER. That’s why I guess I get this error that I mentioned above (is a directory)
So when I click on open, it opens the folder where I need to chose the file from to upload to wordpress. I cannot upload the whole file, neither by chosing it via the ‘chose file’ option nor by dragging the whole folder into the upload area of wordpress.

I hope it’s clearer now for you and hopefully it gives more clarity on how to solve this. I guess it’s something ridiculously easy, but for some reason I can’t upload it….


actyves Staff replied 6 years ago

Now I tried to dowwnload the zip.file by rightclicking and Save as. Then I tried to upload that file ( to wordpress.
Wordpress gives me the error: “(Installing Plugin from uploaded file:
Unpacking the package…) The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature”


actyves Staff replied 6 years ago

It’s ok now. I downloaded the dropbox zipfile to my dropbox folder and there it stayed as a zip.file instead of it was automatically unzipped… So from my dropbox i was able to just drag and drop it in the WP upload area….
Anyway, guess it must be my inexperience causing this…
lets now start with the installation… I just saw a remark about Cron…. starts nicely…what is cron and why to run this task form the system task scheduler? a loooot to find out 😉

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi, regarding Cron. It's simple every WordPress site needs to do some backend task during the time. For example to check if there is an update etc. So there is thing called WP Cron, it will try to do such thing while user is making a visit to site. So after each request WP will check if there is some task to do while serving the user with response. But there are two issues if you relay on users visits. Issue number one what if no-one visit your site like in two hours and you have SMS to send as backend task. SMS will be late because there were no execution of WP Cron. Issue number two is each request to your site has a timeout limit. On most hosting that limit is 30s. But for example if you have job to sync Google Calendar events and there are like 2000 of those most likely it will not be done during this 30s and visitor will wait for that time for response. Solution is to Connect WP Cron to system scheduler. So in that case hosting will trigger cron execution without visitor and there will be no limit on how long it can last. :) That will be it regarding cron. So best solution is to connect it to system scheduler on your hosting. For someone that knows what he/she are doing it's just a couple of minutes work. :) Best regards, Nikola
actyves Staff replied 6 years ago

Thank you Nikola. Just one rem

actyves Staff replied 6 years ago

remark regarding the youtube video on the google calendar extension. At a certain moment you tell to copy paste the host and redirects to the API page, but of course things never go well from the first time with me, so it didnt accept my host (website url) because ‘ it was not authorized yet) Actually – only 45 minutes later after trying a lot of stuff) I found out that the field where you said ‘ the other fields are optional’, that first one, also needs to be completed in order for google to know its authorized to be used. I also had to add a certain code to cpanel dns advanced screen to be recognized by google…… All quite complex for me as I dont know anything about this stuff but I got it installed…

I only have one question: appointments made in EA will now appear in my google calendar. BUT none of the appointments added to my google calendar are going back to EA (so for example if I am away 1 evening to a family event and I cant perform any work, i would like to block out that timeframe on EA so clients cannot make a reservation those hours. I had hoped I can just add this family event to my google calendar (same agenda as i use in EA of course) so it would result in blocking potential clients to make a reservation that same period… But that timeframe is not being put ‘red’ in the calendar in EA on my website…

Hope you can help me on this last query… As very honestly, that was the reason why I boughtthe extension, I read ‘2 way communication between EA and Googlecal and vice versa’ ….

actyves Staff replied 6 years ago

The cron stuff is for one of the coming days when i find some spare minutes (read: hours) lol

actyves Staff replied 6 years ago

and just fyi regarding my query: i did add Default Location and Default Service in the settings via drop down menu….

actyves Staff replied 6 years ago

and last but not least, when i delete from my google calendar an earlier made reservation in EA that correctly was added to google cal , the period of that reservation continues to be blocked in EA/on my website reservation page…

actyves Staff replied 6 years ago

Dear Nikola, think I found it… the worker email did not correspond with the email address of the google calendar owner…
Honestly, thats a bit a tricky requirement as in my case, i get notifications on my mobile phone for one address but not for the other email service as i only have hotmail installed on iphone and not the gmail because I dont want to have both email apps on my iphone… anyway, think its solved now….

Do you mention it somewhere? its not on your youtube video, you just end that video by saying ‘ and syncing from google to EA also works’ …. Nothiing said about the important requirement of worker address to be same as google calendar adrress…

Cheerz, Yves

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi sorry about that I will release new video during this week with whole process improved with such informations.

Best regards,