Events not being created on connected Google Calendar (Extension Plugin)

SupportEvents not being created on connected Google Calendar (Extension Plugin)
Vaibhav Gupta asked 5 years ago
Hi Nikola,  I've connected the google calendar using Extension plugin as per the video. However, the events created via the Easy-appointment are not getting reflected on the connected Google calendar Check following screenshots -  
bhavya_gupta Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Nikola,
I checked with confirmed appointment as well. They are still not getting created.
I tried creating appointments in both way –
i. changing the status from pending to confirmed
ii. creating a by-default confirmed appointment

1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi, can you please tell me what is the status of those appointments. Only confirmed appointments are send to Google Calendar. Best regards, Nikola
bhavya_gupta Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Nikola,
I checked with confirmed appointment as well. They are still not getting created.
I tried creating appointments in both way –
i. changing the status from pending to confirmed
ii. creating a by-default confirmed appointment

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 5 years ago

can you please create a temp access for me to wp admin?

Best regards,

bhavya_gupta Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Nikola,
I’ve created a temp login. You should have received the details in your inbox –
The mail would be from prodmonk admin

bhavya_gupta Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Nikola,
Any progress on this?