Failure to select an employee after selecting the service

SupportFailure to select an employee after selecting the service
MartinGrebe Staff asked 5 years ago
Hello dear support team,
I have the following problem:

I created employees and services and linked them together. The date and the corresponding times are also stored in the link.

I use the following shortcode to display the form:
[ea_bootstrap width = "1000px" layout_cols = "2"]

If I now call up the test page, I can select the service, but then no longer an employee.
In the selection of employees only one cog turns and nothing is displayed that can be selected.

However, if I change the shortcode and use the following:

Then everything works as it should. When I have selected a service, I can then select an employee and then the date and time for the appointment.

I am not using a cache plugin in Wordpress and I have already cleared the browser's cache as well, but the error still occurs. Does it have something to do with the last update?

Why does this only happen when I use the Bootstrap shortcode?

Can someone help me please. I need the working plugin by September 1st at the latest, because it should go online there.

The page it is about is under the following link: