Failure to select an employee after selecting the service, the 3 Post (Sorry)

SupportFailure to select an employee after selecting the service, the 3 Post (Sorry)
MartinGrebe Staff asked 5 years ago
Sorry for the third post, but unfortunately the shortcode I used was not printed correctly in the first post.
Hello dear support team,
I have the following problem:
I created employees and services and linked them together. The date and the corresponding times are also stored in the link.
I use the bootstrap shortcode to display the form If I now call up the test page, I can select the service, but then no longer an employee.
In the selection of employees only one cog turns and nothing is displayed that can be selected. However, if I change the shortcode to standard and then everything works as it should. When I have selected a service, I can then select an employee and then the date and time for the appointment.
I am not using a cache plugin in WordPress and I have already cleared the browser’s cache as well, but the error still occurs. Does it have something to do with the last update?
Why does this only happen when I use the Bootstrap shortcode?
Can someone help me please. I need the working plugin by September 1st at the latest, because it should go online there.
The page it is about is under the following link:
5 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi, there is some kind of text filter on your site that is altering output from EA :

var ea_ajaxurl = 'https://www.<span class='hurraki_tooltip' data-title='gemeinde' style='border-bottom:2px dotted #888;'>';

should be :

var ea_ajaxurl =';

and that is preventing from EA bootstrap to work as it should be :(

Best regards,

MartinGrebe Staff answered 5 years ago
The error was caused by a plugin. Thanks for the hint. I have now deactivated the plugin and Easy Appointments is running as it should. Thanks alot.
MartinGrebe Staff answered 5 years ago
Another note: The plugin that caused the error is called Hurrakify. In case someone has also installed this plugin on their site.
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Thanks for update :) I will close this thread. Best regards, Nikola
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Maring also one more thing. Please add this to EA Settings > Customize > Custom styles section :
.ea-bootstrap .disabled .block { background-color: #f7f8f9 !important; }
Just to make that overlay look better :) Best regards, Nikola
MartinGrebe Staff replied 5 years ago

Vielen Dank dafür. Ich habe dies eingefügt, aber leider funktioniert es nicht. Ich kann zumindest keine Änderung erkennen, wenn ich die Seite aufrufe.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 5 years ago

I see it active. That overlay is now same color as background so it is looking little bit better then being white 🙂

Best regards,