form keeps on loading

Supportform keeps on loading
Ayesha Staff asked 8 years ago
hello. i used this plugin and the form keeps on loading and no button is clickable. kindly help me how to sort out that. you can see it here
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago
Hi Ayesha, I have tried it out and everything is working fine? Can you please tell me what browser was used during testing? Best
Ayesha Staff replied 8 years ago

thanks. Actually before i did not specified the price and time duration in services section. its working now. can you tell me is there any way that i could not specify the time and price of service and it works??

Ayesha Staff replied 8 years ago

i am using Google Chrome. the message to the booking person is not working now? can i get your help in that?

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago
Hi, there is a no way to turn of time selection. But maybe it can be added in feature. Regarding email messages for customer you need to enable email for customers. In tools section there is test emails buttons. Best regards, Nikola