future changes
Hi Nicola
I love your software! I know it is still under development but it is working very well so far. The last update for google calendar has now been 2 days and calendar is still connected. Long term is permanent or does it have to be refreshed some day?
So right now you can have multiple bookings for time slots by creating clones of connections. This is great option. It would sure be much cleaner on back end if there was a drop down when creating connection for number of connections. It gets difficult to find all the clones in a big list. Hopefully you will add this someday.
We are not using paypal right now but I have tried to use it and when the login to paypal account window appears we can not sign into paypal. We have tried several accounts to sign in and it always says can't sign in right now.
With last update all the booked and cancelled events are showing on the appointments page as default. This is great! I just want to make sure you leave it that way and make sure it always show all appointments.
In the reports calendar it would be great to have a default the same way, where you can see all appointments and maybe even open them to see details.
When I delete events on google calendar they do not change in the ea. Is this normal? It would be nice to see the appointment change to abandoned or something.
Ok well thank you so much for the hard work you are doing with this amazing program. I have already passed the link on to several other developers that I know. I believe there will be great success with your program. It is a good framework and is better than many others.
Is there a captcha in the software? i thought I saw it but now I can't find it.
The suggestions I am making are to be helpful not criticizing.